Kips IT Class 9 Chapter 8 Solutions COMPONENTS OF COMPUTER SYSTEM Part-A

TextbookKips Information Technology Class 9
UnitUnit-3 Information and Communication Technology Skills
Chapter8 Components of Computer System
Other Chapters SolutionsKips IT Class 9 Solutions

Kips IT Class 9 Chapter 8 Solutions COMPONENTS OF COMPUTER SYSTEM Part-A

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. A CPU does not consists of HDD.

  • ALU
  • HDD
  • CU
  • MU

2. One Tera Byte is equal to 1024 Giga Byte.

  • 1024 Mega Byte
  • 1024 Giga Byte
  • 1024 Peta Byte
  • 1024 Kilo Byte

3. Which of these is not a peripheral device?

  • Register
  • Modem
  • Bluetooth
  • Printer

4. Control Unit is also called the Central nervous system of a computer.

  • Central digestive system
  • Central respiratory system
  • Central processing system
  • Central nervous system

B. State True or False:

1. A microprocessor chip contains millions of transistors. – TRUE

2. The output can only be in the form of a hardcopy. –

3. The speed of CPU is determined by the number of instructions it executes per second. –

4. AC, DR, AR and PC are types of Registrars. –

5. The printed information on the paper is called a soft copy. –

C. Answer the Following Questions:

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