Kips IT Class 9 Chapter 6 Solutions BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE Part-A

TextbookKips Information Technology Class 9
UnitUnit-2 Self-Management Skills
Chapter6 Building Self-Confidence
Other Chapters SolutionsKips IT Class 9 Solutions

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Overprotective Parenting prevents a child from developing resilliance and coping with stress and failure.

  • Authoritative Parenting
  • Regular Schooling
  • Overprotective Parenting
  • Playing

2. Overprotective Parenting and Physical Punishment adversely affects self-confidence of a child.

  • Overprotective Parenting
  • Physical Punishment
  • Love and Care
  • Both and c

3. Cultural competence comprises an understanding of all aspects of a culture that is, social, educational, and Organisational.

  • Emotional
  • Organisational
  • Institutional
  • Situational

4. People with self-confidence have a Positive outlook.

  • Negative
  • Arrogant
  • Outward
  • Positive

5. People with low confidence are Unprepared.

  • Smart
  • Pleasant
  • Unprepared
  • Arrogant

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Trust in one’s own judgement and ability is called Self-confidence.

2. Our family, neighbourhood, friends, relatives, school, constitute our Society.

3. Overprotective parenting shields a child from facing any pain and struggles.

4. The characteristics of a particular society, community, or ethnic group reflected in its practices and beliefs are collectively reffered to as Culture.

5. Possible challenges and pitfalls in the pursuit of a goal are termed as Threats.

D. Answer the Following Questions:

What is the importance of experience in building self-confidence?

Gaining experience requires you to take the first step no matter how hard it may seem, and then keep practising. Each incident of success will take your self-confidence a step further. You will also learn to overcome obstacles and handle failures as you will notice that they are inevitable parts of the process and not the end of the process.

Lack of self-confidence puts one in a vicious cycle. Comment and support your answer with an example.

Self-confidence means having trust in one’s own judgement and ability. A self-confident person shows the willingness and courage to face new challenges and works hard to attain his goals. This success further strengthens his confidence. Whereas, a lack of confidence puts them in vicious cycle, where the fear and unpreparedness prevent them from succeeding, and the failure further reinforces their sense of inadequacy leading to low self-confidence.

What role does parental attitude play in building one’s self-confidence?

The attitude of parents towards their child creates the first significant impact on especially in his initial years of his life. Lack of love and attention, harsh physical and mental punishments, and excessive criticism and derogatory remarks on a child’s mistakes can break his confidence, instil a fear of failure in him, and make him hesitant to take on challenges.

Draw a contrast between attitudes of people with low and high self-confidence.

• Fear: They are anxious about the possibility of failure.
• Value Others Opinion: They depend on other people’s approval and validation to feel good about their ideas.
• Over Critical: They tend to focus on their shortcomings like physical appearance, lack of knowledge, etc.
• Poor Time Management: They are unable to decide on priorities and focus on tasks.
• Unpreparedness: Since they do not expect success, they do not put in the necessary efforts.
• Lack of Initiative: They do not feel motivated to bring about change or improvisation.
• Reluctant to Deal with Others: Such people make excuses and try to evade confronting people.
• Negative Outlook: They focus on past failures instead of learning from the experiences.

Self-confident people have the following attitudes:
View to the World: They have a positive outlook towards themselves and situations surrounding them.
Realistic View of Self: Confident people are able to recognise their strengths and accept their weaknesses at the same time.
Trust Own Ideas and Beliefs: Confident people rely on their own ideas and beliefs rather than on others’ opinions.
Deal with Mistakes: Confident people accept their mistakes rather than covering or justifying it. Moreover, they are
willing to learn from it.
Focus on Growth: In spite of recognising their weaknesses, they choose to focus on the opportunities to grow rather than concentrate on their shortcomings.

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