Kips IT Class 10 Chapter 11 Solutions Creating and Using Tables Part-B

TextbookKips Information Technology Class 10
Subject Code402
UnitUnit-3 Database Management System
Chapter11 Creating and Using Tables
Other Chapters SolutionsKips IT Class 10 Solutions

A. Select the correct option.

1. Which of the following is not a database object?

  • Tables
  • Handouts
  • Reports

2. Which of these is used to retrieve the information from database?

  • Table
  • Report
  • Query

3. Which of the following wizard opens when you launch the LibreOffice on your computer?

  • Table Wizard
  • Database Wizard
  • Base Wizard

4. Which data type will you use to store the date of admission?

  • Number [NUMERIC]
  • Date [DATE]
  • Text [VARCHAR]

5. The Float [FLOAT] field type holds numbers with decimals:

  • Float [FLOAT]
  • Boolean [BOOLEAN]
  • Text [TEXT]

B. Fill in the Blanks.

1. A Database file is just like a container that holds database objects to create and manipulate the.

2. A Record is a set of related information that belongs to a particular instance of an object.

3. An Attribute is a piece of information about an object.

4. A Form Is the user-friendly interface that facilitates the process of inserting, editing, deleting, and updating records in tables and queries.

5. A Field Type determines what type of data you can enter into a field of a table.

C. Answer the following questions.

Describe the different database objects.

Tables: Tables are the building blocks of a database. They store data items in the form of rows and columns. As you know, all the rows are referred to as records or tuples, and all the columns are known as fields or attributes. For example, in the Employee table, the data of related fields of the employees, such as Emp_Code, Name, Department, Salary, etc., is called a record and specific property of that employee, such as Salary, is known as field.
Queries: As the name suggests, queries are used to ask questions from the tables of a database, which stores a vast amount of data. Queries help to retrieve the filtered data from the database tables, based upon some conditions. They are also used to insert, delete, and update the data in the database depending upon the criteria specified by the user.
Forms: Forms are the user-friendly interfaces that facilitate the process of inserting, editing, deleting, and updating the data in tables and queries. It accepts the data from the user and stores it in the corresponding table or query. Using a form, you can add and update one record at a time.
Reports: Reports are used to display the selected data in a printable format. Reports collect the summarised data from one or more tables/queries and organise it in a printable form.

What are data types?

Data type determines what type of data you can enter into a field. For example, a field whose data type is ‘Number” can only store numeric data and does not allow you to enter text data into it.

Explain the use of Text [VARCHAR] data type.

Text is stored in form of character or string, or in combination of text and number. This type of data is not used to perform calculation.
Text [VARCHAR]: It is a variable length field type to store character or string values.

Distinguish between the Table Data and Table Design views.

In Table Data view you can enter and navigate the records. Where in Table Design you can create a Table by defining the field name and field types.

How do you edit a table structure?

The Table Design view allows you to edit the structure of created tables.

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