Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 4 Solutions USING EXCEL AS DATABASE

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Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 4 Solutions USING EXCEL AS DATABASE

Brain Developer

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. A database helps the user to Organise, retrieve, sort and edit data as needed.

2. A Form provides an easy way to enter or display a record.

3. Field Name is a column label for the field in a database.

4. To restrict cell entries within a specified range, use Data Validation option.

5. To search a record with specific value, click on the Criteria button in a form.

6. PivotTable provides an easy way to present the data in a summarized way.

B. State True or False:

1. Records refer to rows in the database. – TRUE

2. Field names can be duplicated in the database. – TRUE

3. You can sort the data only in one field. – FALSE

4. Field represents a column in the database. – TRUE

5. Subtotal values in the database are calculated with Count function. – FALSE

6. In a database, one cannot rearrange the data as per the need. – FALSE

7. Form provides the option to delete a particular record. – TRUE

C. Application Based Questions:

Kanika is a Chartered Accountant. She looks after the accounts of various companies and keeps their records in Microsoft Excel. She does not have any idea how to view only those records that she wants to see. Suggest her the feature of Microsoft Excel using which she can perform this task.

She can use filter option to view those only records that Kanika wants to see.

Varun is maintaining the marksheet of his class in Microsoft Excel. The teacher has asked Varun to find the maximum and minimum marks obtained in the class. Which feature of Microsoft Excel should Varun use in order to accomplish the task?

He can use Data Validation tool.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which option is used to restrict the cell entries within a specified range?

  • Advanced Filter
  • Data Validation
  • PivotTable

2. Which button under Data tab is used to remove a duplicate value from one or more columns?

  • Remove
  • Remove Data
  • Remove Duplicates

3. Which feature in a database provides an easy way to enter display a complete row of information?

  • Form
  • Adding Subtotal
  • Filter

4. What do we call a row in a database?

  • Form
  • Field
  • Record

5. Which feature allows us to arrange the given data according to a particular field either in an ascending or descending order?

  • Data Form
  • Sort
  • Filter

E. Answer the following:

Describe the term Database.

A database is a collection of information related to a particular subject.

What is the use of Sorting feature in Excel?

Sorting means arranging data either in an ascending or descending order in a worksheet Data can be sorted in rows on the basis of text, numbers, combination of text and members or dates. Once the data is organised, it becomes easy to work with.

Briefly explain the utility of Filter feature.

Microsoft Excel provides several ways to analyse data in a list. The Filter feature allows you to see only those records that you want to display while it hides the rest of the data temporarily from the view. You can filter a list to display records that meet specific criteria by using AutoFilter command.

What is a PivotTable? Describe its utility.

PivotTable is a powerful tool for consolidating, summarising and presenting data.

How is Advanced Filter different from Filter?

-> Advanced Filter option is used to filter the data in multiple fields using specified criteria, or to copy the filtered records to a different location, or to find unique records.
-> The Filter feature allows you to see only those records that you want to display while it hides the rest of the data temporarily from the view.

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