Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 10 Solutions GRAPHICS IN QB64

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Chapter10 GRAPHICS IN QB64
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Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 10 Solutions GRAPHICS IN QB64

Brain Developer

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. In high resolution, the computer screen is divided into 640×200 pixels.

2. The amount of pixels per unit on the screen is called the Resolution.

3. The Line statement is used to draw a straight line.

4. Screen 7 supports 16 different colours.

5. The “H” statement draws a line diagonally in upward direction towards the Left side.

B. State True or False:

1. The Screen 0 mode is used only for text. – TRUE

2. In medium resolution mode, the computer screen is divided into 320 x 400 pixels. – FALSE

3. The LINE statement is used to fill an object with a colour. – FALSE

4. To draw vertical lines, y-axis co-ordinates will remain same for both starting and ending points. – FALSE

5. The background colour code for Gray colour is 7. – TRUE

C. Application Based Questions:

Kabir wants to draw a box filled with colour using the Line statement, but he is unable to recollect the keyword for making a filled box. Help him to finish this task.

Kabir can use BF to draw a filled box with colour using line statement.

The computer teacher has asked Swati to draw vertical lines. Which co-ordinates will you suggest her to set for both starting and ending points of the line?

Swati can use x-axis to draw vertical lines.

D. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. There are 16 colour options for background and foreground colours.

  • 20
  • 16
  • 15

2. We use PSET statement to draw lines, figures and patterns of different shapes from any point of the screen.

  • PSET
  • LINE

3. To draw a fill box, the letter BF is used with line co-ordinates.

  • B
  • BF
  • BC

4. Screen statement is used to set the screen resolution.

  • Drawing Boxes
  • Color
  • Screen

5. We cannot create any graphics in Screen 0 mode.

  • Screen 5
  • Screen 2
  • Screen 0

E. Find the output of following programs:

Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 10 Solutions, Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 10 Solutions GRAPHICS IN QB64, Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 10 Solutions Question E. Find the output of following programs
Find the output of following programs

F. Answer the following:

What is the use of PSET command?

The PSET command stands for Point Set and It is used to set the pixels at any specific location on the screen. It allows you to draw figures by changing the value of (x, y) co-ordinates. With PSET command you can set the pixel values as per requirement and draw the figure from any point of the screen. Its syntax is as follows:
PSET (x,y) where (x represents columns and y represents rows).

Explain in brief the use of CIRCLE statement.

The Circle statement is used to draw a circle, ellipse or an arc of a circle. Its syntax is as follows: CIRCLE (x, y), r, p.
The coordinates x and y specify the centre location of a circle on the screen, the letter ‘r’ gives the value of the radius and ‘p’ specifies the colour code.

What is the difference between B and BF options used with Line statement?

B option used with Line statement is used to draw outline of the box, whereas, BF statement allows us to draw a box filled with desired colour.

Explain the function of _NEWIMAGE command available in QB64.

The _NEWIMAGE screen statement is used to create a new screen size with higher resolution using the predefined screen options.
_NEWIMAGE screen statement changes the screen resolution and uses the selected screen size mode command in QBasic.

What is the use of PAINT Statement?

The PAINT statement is used to fill an object with a colour. It specifies the co-ordinates from where the figure starts and fills the colour within the enclosed area. Its syntax is as follows:
PAINT (x,y), colour, bordercolour

How can we draw a rectangle? Explain with an example.

We can draw a rectangle in QB64 using the LINE Statement, following commands creates a rectangle:
COLOR 5,15
PRINT “This is a Rectangle”

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