Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 1 Solutions NUMBER SYSTEM

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Kips IT Beans Class 7 Chapter 1 Solutions NUMBER SYSTEM

Brain Developer

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. The base of Binary number system is 2.

2. The base of Decimal number system is 10.

3. Octal Number system consists of 8 digits.

4. In Binary addition, 1+1 equals to 10.

5. Binary number system is understood by the computer system.

6. Hexadecimal uses 16 symbols to represent numbers.

7. In Binary subtraction, 1-1 equals 0.

B. State True or False:

1. The decimal number system consists of 10 digits i.e., 0 to 9. – TRUE

2. The method to perform division of two binary numbers is not same as that of decimal numbers. – FALSE

3. 1 multiplied by 0 equals to 0. – TRUE

4. Charles Babbage introduced the concept of 0 (Zero). – FALSE

5. The numbers used in Octal number system are 1 to 7. – FALSE

C. Application Based Questions:

Ratika’s computer teacher asked her to convert the Octal number to Decimal number. Suggest her the method which she should apply in converting the Octal number.

Divided by 10

The teacher has given an assignment to Saurabh on Binary subtraction. Saurabh is confused how to subtract 1 from 0. Help him in solving the problem.

With Borrow

D. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Aryabhat introduced the concept of 0 (Zero).

  • Ada Lovelace
  • Aryabhat
  • Bill Gates

2. A Digital Computer coverts the decimal format into its binary equivalent.

  • Digital Computer
  • Cell phone
  • Abacus

3. A computer understands only Binary code.

  • English
  • French
  • Binary

4. In Binary multiplication, 1×1 equals to 1.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

5. To convert Decimal number into Binary number, divide the number by 2.

  • 2
  • 8
  • 10

E. Answer the following:

Explain Number system and its commonly used types.

A set of values used to represent different quantity is known as number system. The digital computer represents all kind of data and information in Binary number. The commonly used number system is Decimal number system.

What are the rules to convert a Decimal number into Binary number?

1. Divide the given decimal number with the base 2.
2. Write down the remainder and divide the quotient Again by 2.
3. Repeat the step 2 till the quotient in zero.

Write the rules to multiply two Binary numbers.

The rules for multiplication of two numbers a and b is:
A B A*B=C, 0 0 0*0=0, 0 1 0*1=0, 1 0 1*0=0, 1 1 1*1=1

Briefly explain the Octal number system.

The octal number system consists of 8 digit i.e., 0 to 7 will the base 8. The procedure of octal to decimal conservation is similar to binary to decimal conservation. The only difference is the change of base.


A. Convert the following Decimal numbers into Binary numbers:

a. (68)₁₀ = (1000100)₂

b. (987)₁₀ = (1111011011)₂

c. (657)₁₀ = (1010010001)₂

B. Convert the following Binary numbers into Decimal numbers:

a. (1011)₂ = (11)₁₀

b. (100110)₂ = (38)₁₀

c. (10101)₂ = (21)₁₀

C. Perform Binary addition on the following:

a. 10101 + 00111 = 11100

b. 1001101 + 1000101101 = 1001111010

c. 1101 + 1001 = 10110

D. Find the difference between the following Binary numbers:

a. 10011 – 01010 = 01001

b. 11001001 – 01100110 = 1100011

c. 111 – 001 = 110

E. Multiply the following Binary numbers:

a. 101 × 011 = 1111

b. 1011 × 101 = 110111

c. 101010 × 1011 = 0111001110

F. Divide these Binary numbers:

a. 1111/11 = 101

b. 111001/101 = 1011

c. 111111111/1011 = 101110

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